Yoga For Desk Workers | The Playlist

Whether you work in an office environment or not, chances are you spend a great deal of time on a laptop hunched over a desk or table. Me too, and let’s be honest, the human body was not built to stay seated for hours on end…

Give your spine, shoulders, neck, hips and entire body a much-needed stretch and release from being so darn sedentary all the time. Practice at least one of these thoughtfully chosen yoga classes every few days, or ideally, a few minutes every day!

Make a profound impact on both your mind & body during a typical work day. You don't even have to leave your chair to stretch, release and relax.

Dawn will take us through a sweet and slow sequence that targets the tight spots in the shoulders and neck, areas where many of us carry a lot of tension. Improve your range of motion while shedding layers of stress.

Begin in a restorative pose to drop you straight into a chill state. Hopefully by the end, you’ll feel more tuned in, settled down and calm.

When the demands of daily life leave us with the residue of stress and anxiety, practicing yoga can be effective in resetting the body and mind. Enjoy the calming effects of this smooth short practice.

Feel more grounded & relaxed being guided through a few simple breathing practices, while encouraging a healthy, happy & lengthened spine.

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REST & RESTORE | 11-Mins
Take a short break during your day to take the 'load off' and give back to yourself, your body and mind will thank you for it! Props Needed: A bolster or two blankets and 2 blocks.

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