Happy Hormones Guide For Women

As women, we are magic, and so are our bodies. Our superpower? Our hormones. Sara, from ‘Your Monthly’ teaches you why it's time to stop wishing them away. Taking care of your body isn't all pedicures or facials, it's self-talk, relationship with food, fuelling your body, and finding joy in movement.

It’s time to feel good! Here's to healthy hormones, and a happy you!

Keen for more hormone & nutrition wisdom?
O-Studio is hosting nutrition workshops on the 22nd August with both Sara Widdowson (1pm) and Conrad Goodhew (2pm). Book via the O-Studio App or email hello@ostudio.co.nz.

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I'm Sara, a Dietitian & Women's Health Expert who believes that women need to know more about their bodies, their hormones, and their fertility, because fertility, is about so much more than making babies.

My passion is teaching women about our female sex hormones and how they play a vital role in our health, our lives, and how periods should be celebrated rather than wished away. Too many women consider fertility as all about conception, and if you are not ready to start a family, why would you care about fertility, right? Wrong gorgeous! Female hormones boost your libido, promote a healthy metabolism, and even play a role in your skin and hair health.

Periods shouldn't be painful, heavy, or leave you housebound. And, if you struggle with mood changes, PMD, or PMS, I can help you feel like you again, and not just on the other 21 days of the month.

If you have specific health concerns such as fertility troubles, PCOS, Endometriosis, Hypothalamic Ammenhorrea, or you simply think your monthly health could do with some of that TLC you give everyone else, then it is time to invest in a coaching session with the expert.