Create the space at home


Let go of the space having to be an entire room. If you don’t have a spare room, then it’s all good… A corner of your lounge room, bedroom, sunroom or patio etc. is perfect.

The space is more about the feel, as opposed to the look. Ensure that when you practice, nobody else is in the area. Close the door (and lock it) or do whatever you need to do. Distractions make it hard to concentrate and finish your classes.

Use a quality yoga mat! Honestly, it makes ALL the difference. There’s nothing worse then slipping and sliding all over a yoga mat during a fast-paced vinyasa class. Stay away from the plastic cheapies, and invest in a yoga mat that you’ll love and use for years to come.

Essential oils. (Note: you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars here). We recommend an energising citrus blend for the mornings, and Lavender or Frankincense for an evening or meditation practice.

Make your practice a ritual. Set a certain day or time that you practice every week, regardless. Put it in your calendar and schedule meetings, catch-ups, appointments or whatever else around it. Treat your practice time as sacred.

Don’t let a lack of props hold you back. There are loads of alternatives (books for blocks, pillows for bolsters, ties/leads for straps etc.) OR purchase your own quality props from O-Studio.

Music. Ohhh yeah… Now this really sets the mood. All of our teachers have shared their favourite tracks and playlists here.

Have something alive. Sure, it can be a permanently placed cat (although we feel the cat won’t be up for the task), or it could be a plant. Our favourite indoor plants are the fiddle leaf fig, peace lily or monstera. Living things bring good energy into the space, and plants double as oxygen creators!

Have fun! Practice classes you enjoy. There doesn’t always have to be a purpose for getting on the mat (getting fit, strengthening arms, toning belly etc.) Press play on that wacky fun flow, yummy yin class or choose to just chill out in Child’s pose for half an hour. Do what makes you feel good.

Share your experience. Connect with fellow members in the Facebook group. What are your favourite classes/styles and why? How can your experience benefit another person on their wellness journey?

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