5 ways to start a yoga practice.


1. Child’s Pose 

This one’s an obvious one, I know.

But because it’s obvious, even more the reason to include it in this list + dive deeper into why yogis & yoga teachers love child’s pose.

Why We Love Balasana: 

  • It promotes a drawing inward action to promote reflection, self-care and comfort.

  • A lot is accomplished – the hips, chest, side body, and back are all extending and expanding here.

  • It allows the body & mind to become still, and prepare the self for the practice ahead. 

Alignment Tips & Tricks:

  • Bring big toes together and allow the knees to spread out wide.

  • Sink the hips back over the heels as the chest lowers towards the ground.

  • Walk the fingertips towards the front of the mat, creating a lot of space in the side body channels.

  • Relax the forehead down, allow the chest to surrender open, and the mind to soften.

Yoga Teacher Tips & Tricks:

  • Use for any class style – especially when students need to ground themselves.

  • For a restorative class – incorporate a blanket under knees or a bolster under the chest.

  • For a yin class – prop the elbows onto blocks, bring hands to touch, and thumbs to connect with back of neck. Think of a mild puppy pose, heart opener here.

  • For low back pain – bring knees together and hands towards the back of the mat. 

2. Mountain Pose

Why We Love Tadasana:

  • It requires us to be present and aware, in order to stand up straight.

  • It promotes a level of trust to rely on the body, with the eyes closed, as we stand rooted and tall.

  • It instills confidence, bravery and integrity – all within one simple shape. 

Alignment Tips & Tricks: 

  • Start from the ground up with this posture – starting at the toes, focusing your energy and breath all the way up to the crown of the head.

  • Gently activate your quads to lift the kneecaps & stabilise the posture.

  • Hug your shoulder blades onto the back & expand across your heart.

  • Guide your chin towards your chest, creating space along the back of the neck.

  • Close your eyes & breathe. 

Yoga Teacher Tips & Tricks:

  • Use mountain pose to root/ground a loud, excited group of students.

  • Play off it’s mountain-like qualities to in-still confidence for both the practice ahead & to take off the mat.

  • Invite students to set an intention, again recognising the mountain-like badass quality that’s exuded here.

3. Sukasana

…. also know as easy seat, or any comfortable seated position.

Why We Love Sukasana:

  • It immediately challenges us to “try” and quiet the mind, which rarely happens, but it does set the intention for what’s to come.

  • Requires just the right amount of activation/stretching for the hips, midsection, and spine.

  • Promotes a one-pointed focus, bringing the mind into the body.

Alignment Tips & Tricks:

  • Try either a cross-legged, heel stacking in front of heels, half lotus or full lotus position – whatever is most comfortable + able to be sustained for you!

  • Root down through your sitting bones & send the energy up through the spine, heart and the crown of the head – think like one unified whole.

  • If unable to maintain a long spine – sit on a block, bolster or folded blanket to encourage the pelvis tilting forward and the spine lengthening.

Yoga Teacher Tips & Tricks:

  • Invite everyone to take one 1-3 cleansing breaths – through the nose & out the mouth – then settle into a few minutes of steady breathing.

  • Remind them to keep the breath active – resulting in the mind growing quite


4. Downward Facing Dog

Why We Love Ardho Mukha Svanasana:

  • It’s an all over body stretcher + strengthener – instantly creating warmth within the body.

  • Shifts perspective and gets you out of the head and into the body.  

Alignment Tips & Tricks:

  • Spread the fingers far apart, push down between the pointer & thumb fingers, and send the ground away – this will create length up through the arms, spine and down the backs of the legs.

  • Roll the upper arms out, creating space in the shoulder/neck area.

  • Allow the head/neck to relax.

  • Button the lower ribs down, engaging the core, and stabilizing the lower back.

  • Intentionally work your heels towards the ground, take your time!

Yoga Teacher Tips & Tricks:

  • Remind students to make organic movements when first coming into the pose – bicycle the legs, bend the knees, wag the tail, shift from side to side – do what feels good here!

  • Use this posture to immediately create heat, set a powerful intention, and get the ball rolling!


 5. Gentle Hip Opener

Supta Baddha Konasana:

Why We Love the Hips:

  • The hips store mega amounts of tension. Any opportunity to release & stretch them is wonderful for the inner thighs, groin, knees and the lower back.

  • The hips need love, because we sit all damn day, so again – can’t get enough of gentle, supportive hip openers to start the practice.

  • The hips are a well-known location for emotional tension too, so by starting in a gentle, vulnerable state, we set the tone for an honest yoga practice (or we can at least try).

Alignment Tips & Tricks:

  • If bringing the feet in towards the groin is too much, slide the feet further away until you experience awakening + ease.

  • If experiencing knee or low back pain, create fists with the hands and slide them right beneath your upper thighs/lower butt area – like a prop.

  • Rest hands atop hips/thighs (like shown), one hand on belly and the other on heart, or overhead – do what feels good. 

Yoga Teacher Tips & Tricks:

  • To make the posture restorative and accessible to the masses – place blocks under each knee to support the pose.

  • Guide students through rounds of cleansing breaths to settle in & allow the body to open.

  • Instruct the breath to the hip and inner thigh area to help release the tension and stop gripping.


And that’s a wrap!

Until next time, Jess xoxo.

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