Own Your Morning

Make Your Morning Yours

Your mornings whether you like them or not, are the first point of contact you have with your day. What you do with them is completely up to you. I've come to love mornings because of the impact they have on the rest of my waking hours. There are a buffet of habits, routines, thoughts and feelings that you can incorporate into every morning which will support you to become the very best version of you, that you can be.

What does my current Morning Routine look like?

  • Out of bed in 10 minutes or less

  • Make my bed (this gives me my first achievement of the day)

  • Wash my face

  • 20 minutes of guided meditation 

  • 5 - 10 minute workout using bodyweight exercises

  • Cold shower 2 - 3 minutes 

  • Spoken affirmations & visualisation using my Winners Bible

Why you need a Morning Routine:

  • It allows for time in your own thoughts, by recalling dreams and utilising being in an alpha brainwave state (assuming you don’t use your social media to prematurely move your brain into beta brainwaves).*

  • Every successful person has some version of a morning routine. Tom Bilyeu has a cold shower and thinkitates, Hugh Jackman reads for 30 minutes with his wife and Tony Robbins primes his mind through a 15 minute affirmation and gratitude practice

  • Establishing a routine creates more time to do the things you want to…

  • Creates structure for the day and gives your mind purpose and order (structure = freedom)

  • It is entirely customised by you, to add in what you love - like a cold shower 😉 

Each day is a blank canvas, waiting to have various experiences, ideas and feelings imprinted upon it. The best way to receive these in the most positive light, is to begin with an open mind that you’ve established in the form of a Morning Routine. 

If you haven’t got a Morning Routine. Start small. Aim to commit to one small act every morning like making your bed or taking 10 deep breaths to collect your thoughts. From here, each week or fortnightly, add another feature to your routine until you find your ideal morning. Free of judgement, try new things, learn about what works for you and don’t be afraid to be a constant work in progress. It’s something that can be completely yours that in the long term can be unimaginably beneficial to both your physical and mental well-being. You’re worth it. 

 * Although I would love to delve deeper into this area - I will keep it short for you this time round! Essentially, you have five brainwave ‘states’ you find yourself in, two of these are the alpha and beta states. When in alpha, you are in a meditative state, calm, collected and can process your thoughts on a deeper level with no outside distraction. A state you find yourself in when you wake up each morning. Beta brain waves are slightly quicker, meaning you literally interpret the world on a different wavelength. You spend most of your waking hours using beta waves, regular conversations and activities are completed in this state. Which is why it is so important to maximise time in your alpha state each morning. 


Eugene Koning

The Health Mojo


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