Morning Pages


My at home practice that keeps me sane and grounded through the stressful and busy times is something called ‘morning pages’.

This is a journaling technique that is freaking awesome. All you have to do is roll out of bed (or sometimes I stay in bed) set a timer for 5-15 minutes and allow myself to write down my thoughts.

This is a practice of non-judgement, so you literally write whatever is on your mind. How your body feels, where you emotions are at, things you have to do that day. ANYTHING. There is no right or wrong way to do it.

Not worrying about punctation, grammar, what it looks like, how sporadic it is, and it’s even ok to stop half way through a sentence if you’ve got something else on your mind.

It’s pretty much just brain dumping. Giving your all to those pages. Which is such a great way to clear your mind, leave your stresses in your journal and walk into your day with a fresh mind!

This is something that I try and do everyday (life happens sometimes though), but even if it’s for 1 minute then it’s still an achievement for me!

Oh and PS, it doesn’t have to be in the morning, you can do this anytime!

Try it out, it’s a game changer!

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