Easy & Natural At-Home Face Masks

Avo Good Day Face Mask

Recipe: Mash the avocado up and mix with 1 tbsp of honey.

How: After cleansing your face, apply for 15mins, then rinse off.

Benefits: Both avocado and honey are natural skin moisturisers. This yummy face mask helps to erase any signs of dull complexion and gives the skin a radiant glow.

Good To Glow Face Mask

Recipe: Mix together 1tsp honey, 1tsp coconut oil, ¼ Avocado and 2 drops of Lavender essential oil.

How: After cleansing your face, apply for 15mins, then rinse off.

Benefits: Like one big glow in a bowl, this delicious-sounding face mask delivers deep hydration from the coconut oil, gives your skin a hit of antioxidants with the honey and soothes redness with the lavender oil. This is a great mask for moisture and to calm the skin.

Moisturise Me Up Honey

Mix 2tbsp oatmeal, 1tsp lemon juice and 1tbsp honey.

How: After cleansing your face, apply for 15mins, then rinse off.

Benefits: Oatmeal contains avenanthramides, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that soothe itchy, dry and irritated skin. Oatmeal is also great for acne-prone skin because it absorbs oil from the skin’s surface. All of which makes oatmeal a perfect ingredient for facial masks.

Banana-rama Face Mask

Mix 2tbsp oatmeal, 1tsp lemon juice and 1tbsp honey.

How: Mash up a ripe banana into a smooth paste, then gently apply to your face and neck. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water.

Benefits: Bananas are packed with ingredients for great skin: vitamin A to fade dark spots and blemishes and smooth out rough skin, vitamin B to reduce dryness, vitamin E to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and potassium to moisturise and hydrate. So, the fruit makes a perfect all-natural, homemade face mask that leaves skin looking and feeling softer.

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