At Your Best: Kimberley Coleman

Kimberley Coleman is an anomaly. Having fought and overcome Crohn’s disease at an early age, Kimberley has had her fair share of adversity. And has come through it with an incredible sense of who she is and what unique capabilities she brings to the world.

This has lead her to the incredible endeavour of not only opening her own Lash Studio, but also training over 180 incredible people to do the same. You would think this is a crazy business decision, but Kimberley doesn’t think so. Tune in to find out why! 

Kimberley’s Life Changing Half Hour:
Your Ideal Life Mind Map

Step One: Head to a place you absolutely love. The beach. The Mountains. Your back yard.

Step Two: Make sure you have a BIG piece of paper and lots of awesome colouring pens, pencils and other tools to make this look amazing!

Step Three: Answer these questions:

  1. Why are you here trying to be better?

  2. What do you want to get out of this exercise?

  3. What makes you feel good, what makes you feel bad? What inspires you? Write down as many words as you can!

  4. What can you do in the next week to get more of the good stuff and less of the bad?

There is one rule: NO EXCUSES! For half an hour, think about what you could do if there were no blocks from achieving these things!