7-Day Class Plan For A Healthy Gut

Day 1 | Forward Folds For Freedom (11-Mins) | Here’s a short practice incorporating Jess’s favourite forward folds for releasing the mind, releasing the posterior chain and grounding the energy down. The class is gentle and yin-like with mindful posture and pranayama (breathing) guidance. You’ll be given alternative options if you’re not flexible enough to go into the deepest version of the pose.

Day 2 | Quick Stress Relief (14-Mins) | A short, but beautifully effective class to calm down the nervous system. Get out of the mind and into the body. Practice a few deeply relaxing asanas and practice pranayama (breathing techniques) while chilling out with the soulful Ceri.

Day 3 | Detox Flow (30-Mins) | We start with combo of Malasana and Kapalabhati breathing to stoke the digestive fire and build a deep rhythmic breath before we move.  From there we add plenty of hip opening and twists to move the stuck energy (Alma, toxins). With continuous movement for 25 minutes, we increase our circulation, and relax our mental landscape. The mind becomes stable and still; the body will become free and light! 

Day 4 | The Yogi Breath (8-Mins) | Learning to breathe deeply will increase your oxygen supply, which, in turn, will help to decrease stress and anxiety levels. Additionally, focusing on your body during Three-Part Breath brings awareness to the present moment and calms your mind.

Day 5 | The Yogi Breath (8-Mins) | Learning to breathe deeply will increase your oxygen supply, which, in turn, will help to decrease stress and anxiety levels. Additionally, focusing on your body during Three-Part Breath brings awareness to the present moment and calms your mind.

Day 6 | Yin Yang Fusion (26-Mins) | This Yin Yang Fusion finds that beautiful balance between movement and stillness. The class begins with windshield wipers, focusing on opening up the heart and shoulders, then flows through some mobility movements, cooling poses, yin holds and vinyasa flows. All of this weaved with Dawn’s unique form of functional mindfulness.

Day 7 | Anxiety Buster (30-Mins) | When the demands of daily life leave us with the residue of stress and anxiety, practicing yoga can be effective in resetting the body and mind. We begin on the back with Supported Butterfly and connecting with your breath, then through a supported twist, and then mindfully moving through flapping fish pose that rests the digestive system. Enjoy the calming effects of this smooth short practice.

Align, Yoga, 40+ minsO ConnectComment