The 7-Day Mind Body Reset
Day One
MOVE: Morning Yearning
Dynamic with Dawn Alman
MEDITATE: What Mental Qualities would you like to express?
INTEGRATE: Dawn’s rituals for resetting the mind & body.
“As we tumbled into level 2 the need to reset was so inspiring, exciting and long overdue.”
1) Fasting is my go to.... the longest was two weeks. I’m attempting another soon (after chai catch ups).
2) A float to soak in good minerals & release stuck tension. Sauna & cold plunge to glow & feel alive.
3) Organising a travel adventure that inspires & centres me so much.
4) Practicing/teaching again amongst the warmth of shared energy.
5) Lots of hugs and kisses to dear ones & a race to be the first across the border to visit family.
6) Mindset & body scrubs.
Day Two
MOVE: Full Body Mandala Flow
Dynamic with Alysa
MEDITATE: Build Mental Qualities Through Your Experience
INTEGRATE: Alysa’s rituals for resetting the mind & body.
1) A looooong walk outdoors always resets and grounds me. The Godley Head track starting from Taylor's Mistake is my favourite, followed very closely by a walk on any beach, rain, hail or shine.
2) A Retreat Day. I will literally just book myself into ALL the services for a day of pampering. An ideal retreat day looks like 7:15am yoga, a chai from barefoot, float or sauna, massage, meditation, a solo lunch somewhere super yummy (Hello Sunday, The Portershed, Lotus Heart or Miro), a facial and/or a bath (with a sparkle bath bomb) at home followed by an early buddha bowl dinner and beddie-byes.
3) Painting helps me get back into the flow when I'm feeling overwhelmed or stressed. I love using watercolours and watching the different colours mix together... I get hypnotised by it.
4) A heavenly restorative yoga class... Epic music, minimal movement, essential oils and loads of props... Sometimes I'll just go into a supported child's pose at home and pass out for ages...
5) A fair dinkum singing & dancing session to old school tunes (My Chemical Romance, Foo Fighters, Linkin Park… Anything early 2000’s) and new stuff (Mainly Ariana Grande & Lady Gaga. I love my pop!)
Day 3
MEDITATE: Contribute To The Happiness
Of Those Around You with Sam
MOVE: Spark Your Creativity
Dynamic with Ceri
INTEGRATE: Ceri’s rituals for resetting the mind & body.
1) Dance! I absolutely love to dance, helps me to move out of my head and into my body. When I feel stagnant or stuck, I put on my favourite music and move my body for as long as I need to.
2) A walk in the mountains. There is nothing better than being up in the mountains, with no one around, completely silent and still. I can walk for hours, just finding peace in myself, and enjoying the views.
3) Journal - getting my thoughts out on paper is massive for me. Sometimes I’ll follow journal prompts or just get my scattered thoughts out on paper, getting them out of my body, so I can release and let go!
4) Surfing! Something about the water helps me to release whatever I’m holding onto! I am so joyful when I’m just sitting out the back where the waves don’t break and soaking in the sunshine.
5) Nature bathing - lying in the grass or in a forest somewhere. A little meditation and grounding always seems to reset me
Day 4
MEDITATE: Define What Great Work
Feels Like to You with Sam
MOVE: Rest & Restore
Mellow with Casey
INTEGRATE: Casey’s rituals for resetting the mind & body
1) Breathe/scream: if I’m super overwhelmed I will take 3-4 deep breaths exhaling loudly out the mouth for a quick reset. If you’re alone, at the beach or in the hills, in the car or home by yourself etc, try swapping out those exhales for a blood curdling scream! Ha! You can thank me later, it feels amazing!
2) Food and water. Sometimes rushing around all the time I can forget to eat and then wonder why I’m feeling off. Stop, sit down and fuel your body and brain. Don’t eat on the go, actually STOP AND SIT DOWN. Don’t forget ya water!
3) Music. Crank your favourite tunes as loud as you can, sign like nobody is listening! Best part about this one is it can be done anywhere, but in the car is my fav. This one can also be done in tandem with number 1, they go very nicely together.
Day Five
MEDITATE: Find Gratitude from the
Perspective of Hardship with Sam
MOVE: Knock The Rust
Dynamic with Jess
INTEGRATE: Jess’s rituals for resetting the mind & body
1) Setting the alarm early- a non-negotiable routine, to sneak out before the family awakes and get some fresh air on the beach with my dog - always starts the day on a good foot.
2) Good Company - meeting up with friends for a laugh over delicious food, wine and impromptu kitchen dancing party! Feeds the SOUL.
3) Rolling out the yoga mat - Sometimes you just have to look at things differently, so getting upside down on the yoga mat always works for me. Inversions, always wake up my heart, make me feel alive and feel normal again.
Day 6
MEDITATE: What Does a Great Morning
Feel Like? with Sam
MOVE: Energise & Focus
Pilates with Jessie
INTEGRATE: Jessie’s rituals for resetting the mind & body
Each of these activities require me to be in the moment entirely, allowing space to escape from human life and recharge in nature.
1) Surf/Mountain bike/ Hill Runs
2) Gardening
3) Nurturing and growing life calms me.
4) Exploring with the family.
5) Getting outside & going on adventures with my family, allows all of us to feel stretched & refreshed.
Day 7
MEDITATE: The Positive Changes
You've Made This Week with Sam
MOVE: Yin Release
Mellow with Hassan
INTEGRATE: Hass’s rituals for resetting the mind & body
1) NATURE - I’m actually obsessed with being in nature. Hiking the port hills, mountains, anything higher up, my mind is so at peace. The green colours and beauty of the landscape gets me every time!
2) COOKING - I love food and the process of actually making it is so rewarding. It keeps me present, focusing on what flavours to add, how to cook certain things etc and my partners face when I make something that’s delicious is the bonus!
3) EXERCISE - I put exercise because this can be anything from yoga, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or trail running. My body always feel light and strong regardless of the activity and my mind refreshed.
4) BODY MAINTENANCE - massage, osteo, acupuncture, floatation, any or all of the above. Not only great for my body but just as good for my mind if I have some emotional stuff causing stress in my body. Body maintenance also includes cuddles with my nearest and dearest.
5) XBOX - guilty pleasure!! As weird as it sounds it takes my mind away from day to day stressors and keeps me focused on whatever task I’m completing. If anything the banter I have with friends is what truely makes it fun! So a few evenings a week I will relax for a couple hours on here to give my mind a different sort of break.